The Love Exercise.
A few of the things I love:
Slow mornings. Journals. Flowers. The smell of fresh cut grass. Memories. Childhood trinkets. Magic 8 balls. Crystals. Matches. Cooking. Dreaming about the way something will taste. Warm hugs. Linen clothes. The giggle of a child. Farmers Markets. Salt. Used bookstores. Tarot cards. The smell of orange blossom flowers. Small spaces. Fuzzy socks. Hair when it’s soaked in sea water. Books. Books. Books. Hysterically laughing with friends. Looking out a moving train window. Olive trees. Soaking in the sun with closed eyes. Riding in a convertible. Balconies. Warm bread with butter. A fresh set of colored pencils. Hanging plants. Reading before bed. Lemons. Farms. Fresh ravioli filled with lemon ricotta and mint. Love. Blue and white ornate plates. Wooden spoons. Big Italian bowls. Cacio e Pepe. Amalfi Coast. Walking on pebble roads. Fluffy towels.
The Love Exercise.
If you close your eyes and imagine something you love, you’ll then think of something else you love and another and another. Soon you’ll realize that you are smiling or smirking all to yourself. Our thoughts are so powerful and have the ability to transport us anywhere we want. As I think of you sitting there with your eyes closed imagining all the things you love, I myself am smiling. We are all able to love whatever we want. It’s different things for each of us. But the effect is the same. Loving smiles and warm feelings inside. Won’t you join me and give your eyes a rest and think of the things you love. Tell me what happens after. How do you feel? Isn’t it lovely.
Grab a pen and paper. Hold the pen near the top of the paper. Close your eyes and think of something you love. When the thoughts come into your mind write them down, keep your eyes closed. Keep writing until you are smiling at the thought of all the wonderful things you love. Hold on to your special love paper and add to it. Refer back to it anytime you want a little reminder of why you’re here.
P.S. I would love to read what you wrote and share some of that love with you. Send it to me by filling out the form below!